Jan Collier, Gwynne Park Education Support Centre $1000 to purchase outdoor play equipment. Jan teaches Kindy and Pre primary students with Autism and Developmental Delays, in an intensive early intervention centre.
Kerryn James Quinns Baptist College, Kerryn had for some time been considering ways of enhancing the language development among her students and decided to introduce a ‘Home Reading Program’ based on PLD’s 4 and 5 Year Old Comprehension Questions. She was granted $1000 towards her program. To read more……
Kath Comber, Burrenduh P.S. $300 for the purchase of a play parachute to enhance learning across the curriculum.
Heather Kerr, Mount Hawthorn P.S. $177 to purchase materials for students to create stepping stones that will be a feature of a redesigned outdoor area. Read more…..
Alison Seymour, Roseworth P.S. $1000 to create a children’s garden.
Celia Elissegaray, Hollywood P.S $1000 to evaluate the feasability of a whole school milk programme.
Shirley Houston, St Steven’s School, Greenwood, $930 to establish a Primary Movement Program.
Vanessa Alaniz, Sacred Heart Thornlie, $1000 to establish a recycling centre of clean and safe waste from industry.
Jan Collier, Gwynn Park Education Support Centre, $1000 to set up an oral language trolley.
Heather Kerr, Mt Hawthorn Primary, $800 to create a series of science crates inspired by the science component of the Australian curriculum.